Part of Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article “The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda” copied below shows that a united Africa led the opposition to the World Health Organization’s global power grab as 47 African nations just said “No!”
“The U.S. proposed 12 regulations in December 2021 that would put the WHO at the center of these things and put in place very draconian regulations that would allow the WHO to supersede any decisions at the national government level. In a vote on those new international health regulation amendments, 47 African countries rejected all of them.
Africa really led the way in saying ‘No, we don’t trust the WHO, we don’t want the WHO in this role.’ That’s very exciting because Africa absolutely has been exploited in every which way by the WHO and their pharmaceutical industry partners. I don’t think the WHO agenda is dead. We still have a lot of work to do. But clearly, we did have on Saturday an African sovereignty coalition launch, which you can see on the Children’s Health Defense TV website.
There were activists, advocates, physicians, scientists from all over Africa, and then supporters from around the world. It’s very exciting. I think Africa is sending a message loud and clear we will not put up with this.”
TED Talk: The Danger of a Single Story
Although Africa is the homeland of humanity and civilization, most Americans know little about this vast continent because our educational system doesn’t cover African history. The corporate media always presents Africa as poverty-stricken, AIDS-ridden, rife with ebola, and war-torn with massive migrations. However, as Africa increasingly assumes a greater role on the world stage, Americans will need to understand more about this vast continent of 54 nations.
The danger of a single story, the 2009 TED Talk by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, is one of the most popular TED Talks — with now over 10 million views. It explains,
“Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.”
In the video Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – PEN Pinter Prize 2018, Adichie spoke about what it means to be a writer as she accepted the prize in London. Adichie has given speeches to the graduating classes of Harvard, Wellesley, and many other Ivy League universities.
In the video Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – “Americanah” – International Authors’ Stage, Adichie shows us that understanding the African perspective gives us greater insight into America.
Myth of White Supremacy Is Based on Stolen Legacy
The Myth of White Supremacy says that Europeans and White Americans created everything of value in the world and no other peoples created anything. Therefore, Europeans have the right to take the lands of other peoples, enslave, and kill them. We are told Greeks are the fathers of Western civilization. However, the ancient Greeks said they learned everything they knew from studying in Egypt.
Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah explains that we are basically living in ancient Egypt because the US Founding Fathers worshipped Egypt — and knew it was Black. So much of the real history of the West has been erased. Several European and American authors have been working to restore our fascinating real history. The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of The Pharaohs shows it would be hard to overstate the impact of Egyptian culture on Europe. In the inspiring video below, British author Peter Gandy reads from the book’s introduction and cites the quote: “A nation without a history is like a man without a memory”.
Gandy points out:
“The correct memory of who we are, where we’ve come from is essential to understanding who we are right now, and where we are going. We live in a culture that has been so bowdlerized by the Christian takeover which has endured for a couple thousand years and has given us a completely mistaken identity of who we are. Our memory is wrong. Your memory is your identity. Without a correct memory, we don’t know who we are or where we’re going. So, for me, history is a sacred science. Also, it is about giving credit where credit is due.”
Gandy explains that when the “Classics” were established as the curriculum of the British Empire, the English and other Europeans could not admit their debt to the peoples they were enslaving and falsified the origin of Western civilization by attributing it to Greeks rather than to Egypt. However, ALL the ancient Greeks studied in Egypt — the center of learning. It was a badge of honor to study there.
When President Thomas Jefferson defeated the Moors in 1804, there was no one left on the world stage to keep the record straight and Europe began to falsify the origin of its civilization to maintain The Myth of White Supremacy based on The Stolen Legacy. See Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy. Instead of sharing their new-found knowledge, Europeans used The Myth of White Supremacy to justify the theft of continents, slavery, and genocide in the Americas and Africa.
Moors Rescued Europe From The Dark Ages
When Moors Rescued Europe From The Dark Ages explains that the Moors re-introduced the wisdom of ancient Egypt the Greeks had not been able to maintain. Egypt is the origin of Western civilization – our languages and alphabets, architecture, sciences, the three Western religions, and so much more.
Europeans were illiterate except the clergy. The Moors introduced libraries and 17 universities to which Western Europe flocked. They replaced Roman numerals with Arabic numbers we use today. The Moors created gardens that enhanced the nutrition and health of Spain and surrounding countries.
The Moors introduced awesome architecture — the pride of Spain today. While the kings of England were living in huts, the people of Spain had air-conditioned, heated homes with lighted streets. The Moors introduced maps, ship-building, and guns. Without the Moors, Spain, Portugal, England, etc. could never have sailed to the Western Hemisphere or conquered Africa.
Without the Moors, Europe might still be in the Dark Ages today! Yet, the first people the Spanish enslaved were the Moors!
Understanding Africa Is Key To Understanding The West
World War I led to World War II which was devastating for all of Europe, America, and Japan. We are told that WWI started because the Duke of Austria was shot. However, in the video How Europe Conquered Africa, Professor James Small explains that is just a cover story which had nothing to do with the real reasons for WWI.
Professor Small discusses the connection between Europe’s colonization of Africa in the late 19th century and the launch of World War I. He explains that at the Berlin Conference in 1894-1895, European nations agreed on how to carve up and colonize Africa. When Germany later discovered it had gotten the short end of the stick in Africa, it attacked France, Poland, and Austria to gain the coal, timber, and farmland it needed. That was the real reason for the start of World War I.
The video Ancient Africa: How Europeans have it wrong points out that Africa is now the fastest growing economy of the world. In 2013, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015–2024 the “International Decade for People of African Descent.”
Full article: Why The West Must Understand Africa Now