OtTHER The fake alien invasion is coming – David Icke (2022-07-29)Former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Allan Greenspan: There is no other agency of goverment that can overrule actions that we take (2022-07-16)New York University team successfully transplanted genetically modified pig hearts into two recently deceased people connected to ventilators (2022-07-16)Edward Griffin: The economic leaders of the world are working towards “the bankers’ dream… a cashless society.” (2022-07-16)Gregg Braden – These powerful methods will build the bridge between the heart & the brain (2022-07-15)“The Raiseing of the New Eden” movie (2022-07-12)Personification of the ‘Covid’ hoax and systematic mass murderer – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast (2022-07-10)Georgia Guidestones explosion video (2022-07-10)Dark Journalist, Dr. Joseph Farrell – Deep State sorcery (2022-06-23)The manufactured UFO threat? (Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph P. Farrell) (2022-06-21)Gene-editing experiment increased aggression in hamsters (2022-06-12)David Icke speech at Downing street, London – Worldwide freedom day (2022-05-24)In 2018, the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) successfully stopped the state from adopting textbook edits made by a pro-Israel “educational” institution (2022-05-08)U.K. DNA project shows europeans were dark skinned 10,000 years ago (2022-04-24)Humilitainment: How to control the citizenry through reality TV distractions (2022-04-02)We live in a simulation created by a non-human force – David Icke (2022-03-30)Psychopathy – The ‘human disease’ – David Icke dot-connector videocast (2022-03-27)4 trauma-based mind control & programming techniques (2022-03-20)How an obsession with safety leads to mental illness & tyranny (2022-03-20)Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz (audiobook) (2022-03-14)Bashar’s instruction manual (Darryl Anka) (2022-03-14)Darryl Anka – Bashar: Extraterrestrial hybrids, civilizations & agendas (2022-03-13)“First contact” The Bashar documentary – UFO movie 2016 (2022-03-14)The 20 internet giants that rule the web (2022-02-20)Researchers use ultrasound to precisely and safely activate brain cells in mice (2022-02-20)How perception controls our reality – David Icke (2022-02-08)Content moderation on freedom of expression worldwide (2022-01-31)China takes over the world – For the cult – David Icke dot-connector videocast (2022-01-24)Parents in Illinois were shocked to discover that their children’s school approved an event for children organised by the Satanic Temple (2022-01-24)Clive de Carle – Made in nature, vitamin C, magnesium and a few more too (2022-01-19)The importance of selenium for addiction and health (2022-01-15)‘British Medical Journal’ exposes the ‘Facebook’ ‘Fact check’ scam (2022-01-09)The magical kingdom of mushrooms (2022-01-07)Former England footballer Matt Le Tissier has called for an investigation into the spate of sportsmen and athletes collapsing with sudden heart problems (2021-12-19)The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline (2021-12-05)King James Bible, 1611 (2021-11-20)Book of Enoch (2021-11-20)David Icke – The Metaverse and the Matrix (2021-11-19)“The Unspeakable” (2021), Dylan Avery 9/11 documentary (2021-11-14)Local TV News channels reading the same script (2021-11-10) Next page Previous page