Inflationary and stagflationary crisis events open up a lot of doors and create a lot of convenient opportunities for globalists obsessed with the ideology of total centralization. A key aspect of the “Shared Economy” agenda put forward by the WEF is the concept of UBI (Universal Basic Income). If the government becomes the primary pillar of the economy and the primary source of necessities for a large portion of the population, then this makes public defiance of government mandates much less likely.
When the government becomes our nursemaid, how many people will be willing to bite the hand that feeds them?
UBI gives political elites incredible power in exchange for nothing more than currency, paper or digital, created from thin air. This is why it is concerning that so many global organizations have become aggressively vocal about government subsidies of necessities the past couple of years.
International Monetary Fund head Kristalina Georgieva recently made statements calling for governments to be more active in subsidizing food and energy costs to their citizens in the wake of the inflationary crisis. Such subsidies would of course be the beginning stage of an inevitable push for UBI.
We saw some of the effects of UBI in a limited way during the covid lockdowns, which resulted in over $6 trillion in stimulus measures in a single year and helicopter money being funneled directly into the US economy. This momentary UBI led to mass labor shortages across the country. The temporary jump in retail demand has now faltered, but it did result in increased supply chain woes and added to the already existing inflation problems. Overall, covid stimulus policies have been a disaster for the US.
Full article: Universal Basic Income? IMF Calls For Governments To Subsidize Food And Energy