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Canada links citizens’ bank accounts to social credit score

In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score.

The Canadian banking system will soon be transformed by a so-called “open banking” framework.

Proponents are framing this as a more “inclusive” way for banks to easily share information and access user data.

However, the move will merge social standings with banking to provide governments and unelected bureaucrats with complete control over our finances.

The organization Open Banking Excellence (OBE), a World Bank partner that originated in the UK, boasts that it will incorporate social credit scores and bank information, and likely digital cash and IDs, in one “convenient” and “inclusive” place.

OBE, which has reached 40 countries, aims to “create exceptional platforms and content that promotes knowledge sharing, new thinking and partnerships within the industry – catalyzing the adoption of Open Finance and Data for better financial inclusion worldwide.”

“It’s about having that fairer, more inclusive, more open society,” said Helen Child, founder of Open Banking Excellence.

Of course, “Open Society” is an ideology championed by radical billionaire George Soros which involves open borders, no prisons, and rampant crime, among other “progressive” ideas.

However, the need for inclusivity and fairness in banking is not explained, despite being repeatedly pushed by proponents of the plan.

Article: Canada links citizens’ bank accounts to social credit score

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