Film: “Something Is In The Air: A Documentary About Cell Phone Radiation”
Watch the Film: Anytime At This Link
Date: June 2, 2022: Interview and Q & A with Film Director Heidi Martikainen joining from Finland
Time: 10 AM MT
Register for Q&A: LINK If you are already signed up for the EHT Spring Film Series you do not need to sign up again.
As always, we recommend you watch with a wired ethernet connection.
The film “Something is in the Air” asks if the radiation from your cell phone or cell towers is harmful to your health. What about cell tower radiation impacts to bees and pollinators? Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies? How do governments make sure the radiation stays within healthy limits? How are children more vulnerable to exposures, and who has the power to make decisions about what we are exposed to?
Article: Free: Documentary about cell phone and tower radiation, interview and Q&A with film director