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French president Macron promises to deport all islamic extremist migrants

After overseeing the passage of a law banning pro-Palestine demonstrations, French President Emmanuel Macron has now vowed to immediately deport all foreign born migrants deemed to have sympathies with Islamic extremism.

Macron made the announcement after a middle school teacher in the city of Arras was murdered by a suspected Islamist who was already on the French extremist watch list.

Macron has order the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to begin a “ruthless” examination of the files of migrants who “carry hatred and terrorist ideologies” and immediately revoke their visas and kick them out of the country.

Macron’s decision came ahead of a mass shooting in neighbouring country Belgium Monday, which saw an illegal jihadist go on a rampage in Brussels:

Full article: French president Macron promises to deport all islamic extremist migrants

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