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Pakistan executes AI-powered criminal identification system

By Ghulam Shabir Arain

Pakistan is rapidly advancing into a technologically advanced era, and its provinces are embracing innovation to transform law enforcement systems. The Punjab Safe City project, a joint project between Punjab Police and PITB, is leading this change by implementing the AI-powered Face Trace System (FTS) to increase the effectiveness of biometric criminal identification and detention.

Not to be outdone, Safe City Projects in Sindh and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) are progressing significantly. While KPK is leading the way with its ground-breaking AI security control system in Peshawar, Sindh promises increased security with the completion of the Karachi AI facial recognition project soon.

Baluchistan is getting close to finishing its Quetta Safe City Project, which is adding to this momentum. This project intends to improve security protocols and update law enforcement with more than 1,400 strategically placed IP cameras spread over 255 sites. The initiative, which was designed domestically, demonstrates Baluchistan’s dedication to digital technology independence.

These programs demonstrate Pakistan’s commitment to using biometric technology to follow terrorists, suspects, accused parties, and criminals across the country as they develop. The Face Trace System (FTS), was created to improve accountability, efficiency, and dependability in digitally tracking down criminal identities.

The execution of Face Trace System (FTC) in Punjab

The Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System, which is based on artificial intelligence (AI) and uses sophisticated technology to identify vehicles involved in criminal activity, is one of the technologies represented by the development of the FTS. This system records and captures license plate information. Chairman of the Punjab Information Technology Board, PITB, Faisal Yousaf, briefed the Media. The Facial Recognition System, which is based on Artificial Intelligence, takes pictures automatically and compares them with a vast database that has been compiled. This database includes 18 million driving license records and pictures, 1.8 million records from the Crime Record Branch, 1.3 million from the Punjab Khidmat Marakaz, and 300,000 records of accused persons and criminals from Punjab prisons. Law enforcement officials can identify and track suspects who CCTV cameras and other sources with the use of this system have identified.

An important step towards Punjab province’s goal of modernizing law enforcement is the introduction of new digital technology. With the help of this extensive database and the user-friendly online platform of the FTS, investigations are accelerated and laborious processes are replaced with smooth identification and verification. Identification procedures are streamlined using AI-driven facial and vehicle number plate recognition, which cuts down on the time and resources required for investigations. With these cutting-edge capabilities, police can ensure public safety by responding swiftly to track illegal activity. Furthermore, law enforcement’s efficiency in holding suspects is improved by the FTS’s capacity to arrest offenders in a multiplicity of settings.

Full article: Pakistan executes AI-powered criminal identification system 

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