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Putin signs decree authorising deportation of Ukrainians in annexed territories who refuse Russian citizenship

Russian President Vladimir Putin Thursday signed a decree which authorises the deportation of residents of illegally annexed Ukranian territories who refuse Russian citizenship.

Under the decree, bordering Ukrainian citizens are given a choice to accept or refuse Russian citizenship. For those who “declare their desire to retain their existing citizenship or remain stateless” will be classed as “foreigners” effective July 1, 2024.

In conjunction, Putin Friday introduced further legislation “On Citizenship of the Russia Federation” which enables termination of citizenship if an action of threat to national security, or treason, is carried out.

The decree, and further legislation, arises from Putin’s crackdown on opposition against the Russia’s war on Ukraine, particularly following the conviction of activist Vladimir Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison for dissenting against the invasion.

Article: Putin signs decree authorising deportation of Ukrainians in annexed territories who refuse Russian citizenship

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