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U.K., the House of Lords member Richard Balfe asked Her Majesty’s Government why brits are forced to take PCR Covid tests on returning to U.K. but illegal migrants aren’t

A member of the House of Lords is demanding to know why Brits returning to the UK from abroad are required to take several PCR COVID tests even if fully vaccinated while illegal migrants, the vast majority of whom are unvaccinated, don’t have to take a PCR test at all.

Under the current system, UK citizens returning from countries on the ‘amber list’ – which includes numerous popular holiday destinations – are forced to take multiple PCR tests at their own cost to prove they are not carrying the virus, even if they have been double jabbed.

Illegal migrants arriving via boat from France however are not subjected to any PCR testing, despite the UK government footing the bill for their rescue and to put them up in four star hotels.

British politician and peer Richard Balfe wrote to the Daily Skeptic pointing out the anomaly, which was highlighted by the response he received to his Parliamentary question from a Home Office minister.

You may be interested in the written Parliamentary Question below. During Covid I have been travelling regularly to Brussels for business meetings. Despite being double vaccinated, every time I return to the U.K., even if I have only been abroad for two days, I must take a PCR test before returning as I am told that the lateral flow test is unsatisfactory.

Yet here is HMG giving illegal migrants who almost certainly are unvaccinated no PCR tests at all. Also, HMG is quoting as its source for advice Public Health England – the same people quoted by HMG as advising business people and holidaymakers that lateral flow tests are not a satisfactory safeguard.

Next week when the House returns I will put down some follow-up questions.

Best wishes,

Richard Balfe

Baroness Williams of Trafford, the Home Office, has provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (HL2330):

Question: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what percentage of COVID-19 PCR tests on illegal immigrants to the U.K. have returned a positive result; and of these positive samples, what percentage have now been genomically sequenced. (HL2330)

Tabled on: August 18th 2021

This question was grouped with the following question(s) for answer:

To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether immigrants entering the U.K. from France illegally are required to have a COVID-19 PCR test upon detection by police or immigration officers. (HL2329)

Answer: Baroness Williams of Trafford: The Home Office is following guidance published by Public Health England, Health Protection Scotland and the NHS with regards to Covid testing for migrant arrivals.

All migrants are tested on arrival with a lateral flow test, any refusing are treated as if infectious and isolated. Lateral flow testing is a fast and simple way to test people who do not have symptoms of COVID-19, but who may still be spreading the virus. Arrivals who present as symptomatic or who provide a positive lateral flow test are allocated to an approved quarantine site.

Due to the small possibility of false positives associated with lateral flow tests, any individual who receives a positive result at a residential short-term holding facility in England or an Immigration Removal Centre, will be offered a PRC test to confirm the result. Any detained individual with symptoms of COVID-19, or testing positive for COVID-19 will be placed in protective isolation for at least 10 days and Public Health England informed.

We do not hold information regarding the percentage which have been genomically sequenced as this is the responsibility of Public Health England.

Date and time of answer: 02 Sep 2021 at 15:55.

In other words, COVID restrictions for British citizens who have taken the vaccine are harsher than those applied to illegal migrants with no identifying papers, the vast majority of whom haven’t been jabbed and have been traveling in close proximity with other unvaccinated people.

Article: House of Lords Member Asked Why Brits Are Forced to Take PCR COVID Tests on Returning to UK But Illegal Migrants Aren’t

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