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What is the UN 2023 Water conference

  • The first UN Water Conference in almost five decades is taking place in New York on 22-24 March, co-hosted by the Netherlands and Tajikistan.
  • It could be a ‘Paris moment’ for water, writes the countries’ Special Envoys for Water.
  • Around 3.6 billion people struggle to get enough water to meet their needs for at least one month every year, according to the World Meteorological Organization.
  • The Global Commission on the Economics of Water, launched at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2022, will report on game-changing ways to value and manage water as a common good.

Our global water system is in crisis. Despite safe water and sanitation being a human right, billions of people lack access to these essentials for life, according to the United Nations.

This month’s UN 2023 Water Conference – the first in almost 50 years – could be a watershed moment for UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: ensuring the sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

These are the critical foundations on which many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) depend, especially health, food, gender equity, education, livelihoods, industry, climate and the environment.

We hope it could result in a “Paris moment” for water – with outcomes as critical for water as the Paris Agreement has been for climate action.

Meeting drinking water, sanitation and hygiene targets. UN water conference 2023

Full article: What is the UN 2023 Water Conference and why is it so important? Two experts explain

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