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The Istanbul prosecutor’s office filed a lawsuit with the Turkish Ministry of Justice calling for the Israeli Prime Minister to be trialled

Turkey continues to accuse Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of committing crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Earlier, representatives of the Turkish authorities appealed to the International Criminal Court with a call to open an investigation against the Israeli prime minister.

Now the prosecutor’s office in Istanbul (the largest city in Turkey) has submitted a request to the Ministry of Justice to initiate a criminal case against Netanyahu. The request states that the initiation of criminal proceedings in Turkey should be coupled with the initiation of a criminal case by the ICC.

The claim was registered by the Turkish Ministry of Justice. The request was signed by two Turkish lawyers, as well as former member of the Turkish Parliament from the ruling party of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Metin Kulunk.

From the text of the claim:

…to put Benjamin Netanyahu on trial for war crimes, crimes against humanity and the genocide of the Palestinians.

Let us recall that earlier there were calls to try Netanyahu in other countries, but no specific lawsuits were filed. Accordingly, Türkiye has created a precedent.

Previously, countries such as Bolivia and Belize severed diplomatic relations with Israel, and Turkey and a number of other countries recalled their ambassadors from Israel.

Article: The Istanbul prosecutor’s office filed a lawsuit with the Turkish Ministry of Justice calling for the Israeli Prime Minister to be trieled

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